Favorite Cartoons of the past

Inspector Gadget
This is one of my favorites. This is a great and fun cartoon. They showed it on tv for like a decade, approximately from 1983 to 1993. He was so clueless but if it wasn't for his nice and her dog that always saved the day he probably would had ended up in a second hand store or pawn shop.

I have not seen the 3D animation cartoon or the movies but I bet they are great as well. Send me an email if you would like to comment on them.

Woody Woodpecker
I have not seen this cartoon on tv for the longest time. But I used to enjoy watching it when I was a little kid.
Woody is just a troublemaker and he will make you laugh alot. What's fun is watching the other characters as well. I like Chilly Willy. It was fun watching how he always scaped from the hungry paws of the bear.
Kids, ask your parents for this cartoons, maybe they can find them on rental places or something. You just have to watch them.