Lower your Volume

How do I know if the music is too loud?

If you have to scream in order for someone else to listen to you that means that the music is too loud. This can damage your ear if you stay in those conditions for prolonged periods of time. This problem has been noted as the early aging of the ears, which is incrementing among teenagers every year.

The damage causes short-term deafness or a high pitch sound that is annoying. If you are in a place with high levels of volume it will only take about 15 minutes to start causing problems to your ears. This problem is known as tinnitus. A permanent damage can be caused if exposure is continued for long periods of time. Several causes for hearing problems could be concerts, clubs, listening to headphones too loud, carrying the boom box in your shoulder, if you drive with the music too loud, parties, the movie theater, etc..

Taking good care of your ears must be your number one priority. Don't listen to music too loud when using headphones. Don't listen to your car stereo too loud.

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