When you buy a game for your kids, do you check its content rating?

I know a few people that never check what their kids are playing with. They buy the video games without even paying attention to the cover. I like to be informed not only because I like video games but more because I care about what my kids are learning. I believe we need to be more sensitive about what our children see on tv and this involves video games. Recently there has been some very controversial video games in the market. And since most of the world doesn’t care, the games are still out there. One of these games is Grand Theft Auto, which lets kids play with a computer generated character that goes around killing people and even be part of some sexual activities. The game is not educational at all and kids don’t follow the rules of good conduct but like destroying property and shooting pedestrians instead. I see no fun in that but is easy to sent our little ones astray. The game developers only care about their money, so is up to us to take the stand. There are a lot of fun games out there so lets not support the bad ones. If a kid really wants to play with a game that is not age appropriate, well he or she will have to wait until they grow up. Just like in the old good days. There are plenty of games for adults, but lets keep them that way: For adults only.

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