The internet: Are your children safe?

Written by : E. Rueda,
Sept 2006

Our lives are constantly in danger. Among many examples are viruses that makes us sick,traffic accidents, etc.
In this article I would like to discuss the dangers that threaten our children whenever they use the internet.
The internet is a great invention. The use of the internet has grown exponentially in the last decade and has made our world smaller. The internet puts in our hands any type of information.
We can buy items, services or entertainment. It all seams to be wonderful but we must be aware of how
our children are using it. We must be aware of the hazards and dangers that us parents and our children are exposed to when we surf the internet.

The internet is good if it is used for good, but it can open a door to a lot of bad stuff.

What risks are there for your children?

1. Pornography
2. Addiction to computer games
3. Sexual harrassment
4. Stealing of personal information
5. Bad influences
6. Lost of productive time

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